
February 14, 2013

300 Word document of Valentine’s Day

300 Word document of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is mostly about the days of your love ones, in other words (The Couples Day). I have no sympathy towards that, It Is Irrelevant for me. Typical is what I could say know this though I am not hating but I am speaking clearly through you. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and I say love is for the weak all of that is either for those who do it for you once they say I love you, maybe there telling the truth its one way or the other. I find this to be a normal day I don’t understand why (the people) think this is a special day. That is all I need to clear first. Now about Valentines I'm guessing people celebrate because of Love for each other. I really don't know why It's a Holiday I mean sure it's one thing at first, but come think of it you wonder soemtimes why do they celebrate it? Let me answer that question Valentines came from a Culural Religous. And has to do with something about B.C.E. It's also known as the (Feast Day). The celebration of love and affecttion.

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